Not For Sale

; [Not for sale]  읽고  poetry


-Not For Sale-


I dream a Dream

I can see butterflies

I can see flowers 

I can ride a swing


I laugh, I jump,

I can hear people's laughing

I play in the playground

And I play until next morning is coming


When I open my eyes

There is no butterflies

When I open my eyes

There is no flowers


When I open my eyes

There is no swing

When I open my eyes

There is no laughing


But there is a Beast

But there is a Hunger

But there is a hungry eagle

But There is a hunter which has found a prey


I can see their thirsty eyes

I can feel their thirsty breathing

I can hear their heart beating

But I can't do anything


I long to dream again

I long to see butterflies again

I long to see flowers again

I long to ride a swing again


I dreamed a dream

I dream a dream

I will dream a dream

'writing' 카테고리의 다른 글

오래된 정원  (0) 2014.03.27
지금여기에서  (0) 2014.03.27
느낌  (0) 2014.03.27
모닥불  (0) 2014.03.27
다수의 힘  (0) 2014.03.27
